Financial benefit for the care of children affected by cancer or other serious illnesses

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The benefit for the care of a child with cancer or another serious illness is one of the benefits managed by the mutual insurance companies that collaborate with the Social Security for the employees of their mutual insurance companies and affiliated self-employed workers.

This benefit compensates for the loss of income of people who reduce their working day due to the need to care for their children or minors in their care during the time of hospitalization and continued treatment of the illness.

The illness suffered by the minor must be included in the list of serious illnesses and involve long-term hospitalization or the continuation of medical treatment at home after diagnosis and hospitalization.

A minimum reduction of 50% and a maximum of 99.99% of the working day may be requested.

The benefit cannot be claimed in the case of a part-time contract, which is equal to or less than 25% of a full-time contract.

List of serious illnesses

Consult the list of serious illnesses in the annex of Royal Decree 1148/2011 or the recognition of the benefit.

Who can apply for the benefit

This benefit is aimed at workers of all Social Security regimes, who can prove the required minimum contribution periods and who reduce their working day by at least 50%, in order to care for a minor affected by cancer or any of the illnesses listed in the annex to Royal Decree 1148/2011.

The benefit consists of a subsidy equivalent to 100% of the regulatory base for temporary incapacity due to professional contingencies or, where appropriate, that derived from common contingencies when coverage of professional contingencies has not been chosen, in proportion to the reduction in the working day. Asepeyo pays the benefit directly in monthly periods in arrears.

Minimum requirements to apply for the benefit

  • A minor up to the age of 23 with cancer or serious illness (according to the appendix) requiring hospitalization and continuous treatment and requiring direct, continuous and permanent care by the parents, adoptive parents, permanent foster parents or spouse or common-law partner of the deceased (provided that the minor has reached the age of majority). The illness, in order to be recognized when the deceased is under 23 years of age, must have been diagnosed prior to the age of 18.
  • The economic benefit can be maintained until the claimant reaches the age of 26 if, before reaching the age of 23, he/she can also prove a degree of disability equal to or greater than 65 percent.
  • Both parents must prove that they are affiliated and registered with a public social security system or mutual benefit fund of a professional association, whether employed or self-employed. Only one of the parents, adoptive or foster parents can be the beneficiary of the benefit.
  • Have the vesting period covered. The minimum contribution period of the beneficiary must be:
    • Under 21 years of age: no minimum contribution periods will be required.
    • Between 21 and 25 years of age: 90 days of contributions in the 7 years immediately preceding the application for the benefit, or 180 days during the beneficiary’s working life.
    • From 26 years of age: 180 days, within the 7 years immediately preceding, or 360 days in the total of their working life.
  • Self-employed workers, and those who are obliged to pay contributions, must be up to date with their payments, for which purpose the invitation to pay will apply. Benefits recognized as of 1/1/2023 have a 75% rebate on contributions.
  • In the case of part-time employment contracts, the benefit cannot be claimed if the working day contracted is 25% or less of the working day of a full-time contract.
  • If the claimant is married or in a domestic partnership, the spouse may apply for this benefit.
  • The right will be recognized in favor of the parent, guardian or foster parent who lives with the sick person, even if the other parent does not work, provided that all other requirements are met.

How to apply for the benefit

The worker must complete the documentation, depending on whether he/she is employed or self-employed. The Mutual Insurance Company will study the application and, if applicable, the benefit will be paid.

The right to receive this benefit will be communicated within a maximum period of 30 days from the reception of the documentation.

The benefit is recognized for a period of one month, renewable for periods of two months.

Where to submit the application

Process your application in a few simple steps at:

You can also request an appointment at your center and submit the application:

Causes for suspension and termination

Causes for suspension and termination of the child care benefit
Reasons for suspension When the caregiver is on medical leave (temporary incapacity)
When the caregiver goes on maternity/paternity leave
When the caregiver accesses the benefit for risk of pregnancy/breastfeeding
When this benefit coincides with any cause of suspension of employment relationship (ERE-Labor Force Adjustment Plan)
When the caregiver is not up to date with the payment of self-employed contributions, if applicable
Reasons for termination When the minor turns 23 or 26 if he/she proves a disability equal to or greater than 65%
End of the need for direct, continuous or permanent care of the minor, due to the improvement of his condition or cure
Cessation of one of the parents in his labor activity, causing deregistration in the Social Security regime
Retirement or permanent disability of one of the parents
Reincorporation to the beneficiary’s work activity, ceasing the reduction of working hours
Performance of any work or activity incompatible with the reduction of the working day
Death of the minor
Death of the beneficiary of the benefit
Failure to pay contributions, if the beneficiary is self-employed (RETA-Special Regime for Self-Employed Workers)
The sick person fails to accredit the required degree of disability

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Última actualización 31 October 2023

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