Death and Survival

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The Social Security system recognizes benefits for those cases in which death produces an economic imbalance in the family unit. The recognition of the right to and payment of economic benefits for death and survival corresponds to Asepeyo, provided that it arises from the contingency of an accident at work (articles 30 and 31 of the Order of February 13, 1967).

Cases in which some of the following benefits are recognized

a) Death benefit
We pay the death benefit to cover funeral expenses to whoever has borne them (except in cases of missing workers). This is a fixed amount of 46.53 euros. After one year has elapsed from the date on which the beneficiary was notified in due form (article 54.1 of the Consolidated Social Security Law (TRLGSS), the right to receive the benefit will expire.
In the event of death due to an accident at work or occupational disease, the surviving spouse, the survivor of a domestic partner under the terms regulated in Article 221 and the orphans are entitled to a lump-sum compensation, calculated in accordance with the regulatory base (depending on the relationship, the number of monthly payments will be different).
b) Widow’s or widower’s lifetime pension
The amount of the pension is 52% of the regulatory base (general), except when the pension is the pensioner’s sole or main source of income.
c) Temporary widow’s or widower’s benefit
A temporary widow’s or widower’s pension is payable for two years. This benefit is granted when the surviving spouse or domestic partner cannot access the widow’s or widower’s pension because he or she cannot prove that:

  • His or her marriage to the deceased has lasted one year.
  • Lack of common children.
  • His or her registration as a domestic partner was at least two years before the date of death of the deceased, but the other requirements listed in art. 219 of the General Social Security Law (LGSS) are met.

d) Orphan’s pension
The recognized pension is 20%.
Lifetime pension or, if applicable, temporary benefit in favor of family members.
The lifetime pension in favor of family members is intended for those other family members or similar who meet the conditions established for each of them and after proof of their economic dependence on the deceased. They are entitled to a pension or allowance, in the amount established respectively. In the temporary benefit, the beneficiaries are children over 25 years of age or siblings over 22 years of age who meet a series of requirements. The amount of the temporary benefit is 20% of the regulatory base for a maximum period of 12 months.

Última actualización 24 April 2023

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