What is the direct payment benefit and how do you apply for it?

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This benefit may be requested by any worker of a company covered by Asepeyo for occupational accidents/occupational diseases and/or common contingencies who have a temporary disability in the following cases:

1. Termination or termination of the contract, while the period of temporary incapacity lasts and irrespective of the time elapsed since the medical fall.

If the medical leave is due to common contingencies, you have the right to a benefit that equals the unemployment allowance (known as IT Desempleo), which is calculated based on the wages reported for contribution purposes over the 180 days prior to being taken off the company’s payroll. The sum will be 70% for the first 180 days and 50% for the remainder of the period until deemed medically fit to work or the right to the benefit is extinguished. In any case, the period of time the temporary disability lasts will be deducted from the period of time one may receive unemployment as already consumed.

If the leave is for professional contingencies, the benefit you will receive is 75% the regulatory daily salary base for the month prior to the leave (it is not equal to the unemployment allowance and unemployment will not be consumed).

2. The company fails to make payment as delegated. The sum of the benefit is:

  • For occupational accidents and occupational diseases: 75% of the regulatory daily salary base.
  • For common contingencies: 60% of the regulatory monthly salary base between the 4th and 20th day of leave, and 75% as of the 21st day.

Self-employed workers with a temporary disability receive the same sums.

The company may ask the mutual insurance company to pay out the benefit directly without taking the employee off its payroll while contributions continue.
A company with less than 10 workers and an employee with a temporary disability may transfer the direct payment obligation to the mutual insurance company when the medical leave exceeds 6 consecutive months. In such case, the company will pay the employer portion of the corresponding contributions and the mutual insurance company will pay the employee portion.

What documentation is needed to process such request?

You must complete and provide the following documents:

  • Activity status statement
  • Form 145 withholdings for employment earnings
  • Application for direct payment due to a temporary disability


Última actualización 25 June 2019

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