What are the different types of self-employed workers and how are they covered?

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The existing definitions for self-employed workers and the covers available to them are explained below:

Traditional self-employed workers

These are self-employed workers who habitually, personally and directly engage in economic activities for profit even if they use another person’s paid services, whether or not they own an individual or family business.

It is assumed that the interested party is self-employed if they run an establishment that is open to the public as the owner, lessee or usufruct holder or similar.


– Occupational accident/Occupational disease:

The accident in Itinere is included, considering as such the one suffered to go or to return from the place of the benefit of the economic or professional activity. It is understood as a place of the benefit the establishment where the self-employed worker habitually exerts his activity, provided that it does not coincide with his domicile and corresponds to the premises, ship or office declared like that of the economic activity for fiscal effects .

– Temporary disability for common contingencies: Mandatory (except if already covered under another system – multi-activity-).

Economically dependent self-employed workers

These are self-employed workers who do their economic activity for a third party from whom they receive at least 75% of their revenue.


– Occupational accident/Occupational disease: Mandatory (includes commuting accidents).

– Temporary disability for common contingencies: Mandatory.

Self-employed workers with a higher risk of accidents

To be defined by regulations.


– Occupational accident/Occupational disease: Mandatory (includes commuting accidents).
 The accident in Itinere).

– Temporary disability for common contingencies: Mandatory.

Special agricultural self-employed workers system

To be included in this system, you must meet the following requirements:

– Be over 18 years old
– Own a farm
– Receive at least 50% of your total earnings from farming or complementary activities. At least 25% must be directly from farming.
– Temporary dedication to farming or complementary activities must be more than 50% of your working time.
– Your annual net income cannot exceed 75% of the maximum contribution base for the General Social Security System.
– The farming work must be done personally and directly.
– You may hire up to 2 permanent-contract workers or 546 working days a year in the case of temporary workers.


– Occupational accident/Occupational disease: Voluntary (excludes The accident in Itinere. The traffic accident is also excluded.

– Temporary disability for common contingencies: Voluntary.

Última actualización 25 June 2019

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