Complementary provisions

We promote social aid for workers involved in accidents and their family members.

What are complementary provisions?

They are provisions that are independent of the ones included in the Social Security system, although they complement them. Their aim is to provide financial cover for situations of need or special states that have arisen in workers or their rightful claimants (people who have legal rights with regard to the person who has suffered the accident, usually due to hereditary reasons) as a consequence of a work accident or occupational illness.

These provisions are recognised through a committee in which workers’ and companies’ representatives take part in equal measure, and which are called the Special Provisions Committee.

The rules that regulate them are the Ruling of 28 October 2019 of the Directorate General for Social Security Organisation, which establishes the system of application of the complementary provisions of Article 96.1 b) of the revised text of the General Social Security Law.

Who can apply for them and what are the requirements?

  • Workers who have suffered an accident or who are affected by an occupational illness.
  • The rightful claimants of workers.

The requirements for accessing these provisions are:

  • Only one aid per accident or occupational illness can be recognised.
  • For the cohabitation unit of the person who has suffered the accident not to have exceeded a certain income limit.

What assistance can you apply for?

Rehabilitation and recovery:

  • Assistance with the costs of staying in a public health or residential centre
  • Assistance with the costs connected with the worker staying in a hospital
  • Assistance for prosthesis and technical assistance not included in the Social Security
  • Assistance for medical treatments or therapies not included in the Social Security

Professional reorientation and adaptation of work post

  • Vocational training and social and job integration courses
  • AAdaptation of the premises where the self-employed worker carries out their work

Assistance for adaptation of the essential resources in carrying out the basic activities of everyday life:

  • Assistance in the removal of obstacles in the habitual home
  • Assistance in the acquisition of an adapted habitual home
  • Assistance in adapting a vehicle
  • Home help for carrying out the basic activities of everyday life
  • Assistance with access to new information and communication technologies

Other provisions:

  • Complement to aid in the event of death
  • Assistance in training in care for people with severe disabilities
  • Assistance in maintenance of the possession or use of the habitual home

How do you apply for social assistance?

Download and complete the social assistance application form. Submit it, along with the necessary documentation, to any of our care centres.

Our Provisions Department assesses every application it receives and submits it to the Special Provisions Committee, which decides on it and issues the corresponding ruling.

Special Benefits Committee