What administrative procedure should I follow to get the prevention incentives Bonus?

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The rules set out the different stages that should be followed from the company’s application to the payment or refusal of the Bonus incentive.

The process begins when the company completes the application and encloses the requested documentation. The friendly society then examines all the applications submitted and verifies fulfilment of the requirements that give a right to receiving the incentive, drafting a proposal report sent to the Directorate General for Social Security Organisation (DGOSS), which is the body that finally awards the Bonus incentive or not.

If there are differences of opinion between the DGOSS and the company, the latter may submit pleadings at a hearing procedure or subsequently by means of appeal to a higher court until claims via administrative procedures are exhausted.

After the administrative procedures have been exhausted, should the company still not accept the decisions that the DGOSS have taken, it may file for judicial review.

Look at this Infographic To know, in detail, the procedures and steps to follow until the credit or refusal of the incentive or consult the Web section ‘Submission of applications’.

Última actualización 25 June 2019

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