What exactly is the cover for occupational contingencies?

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What does coverage for Labor contingencies cover?

The necessary healthcare and surgery to bring the worker back to the physical condition that was lost due to the occupational accident or disease.

How can I receive this benefit?

By submitting the care form duly completed by the company indicating the details of the employee involved in the accident.

Where do I go?

An Asepeyo healthcare centre.

To whom is the coverage for Labor contingencies addressed?

All employed or self-employed workers with cover for occupational accidents who have been involved in an occupational accident and/or have been infected with an occupational disease. They must be caused by the action of elements or substances or the activities specified by Spanish law.


Contracting cover that protects workers in the event of an occupational accident or occupational disease is a legal obligation for the company.


For occupational accidents (AT) or occupational diseases (EP).

Última actualización 25 June 2019

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