Where and when can I submit my Bonus application?

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Los Reales Decretos-ley 28/2018 y 18/2019 han suspendido el sistema de incentivos bonus para las cotizaciones aportadas a la Seguridad Social en 2019 y 2020 (periodos de observación 2019 y 2020), por lo que no será posible presentar por parte de las empresas mutualistas solicitudes de incentivo ni en 2020 ni en 2021.

To assist in the application process and speed up the Bonus incentive, we provide an online application form.

You can also access it via the Asepeyo Virtual Office
(AOV), where you can obtain the contribution and accident rate data for your business during the period of observation.

When can I do it?

Between 15 April and 31 May every year, the businesses that want to opt for the incentive should submit their application to the collaborating friendly society with the Social Security or the management agency that undertakes the protection of their professional risks.

Applications completed using the online form in the website section must be printed on paper, signed by the company’s legal representative and a copy sent to any of the friendly society’s offices.

If you choose to submit the application telematically, it must be carried out through Asepeyo Virtual Office (AOV), using the corresponding user code and password and accessing the bonus request/processing options that appear Per screen. The company representative’s signature will be electronic.

To find out more about this matter, consult the Bonus system of incentives for prevention section on our website or watch this video:


You can also find more information by contacting your Prevention Consultant at the friendly society or User Care Service on 900 151 002.

Última actualización 6 March 2020

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