I’m self-employed, pregnant and cannot continue working. How do I get my leave processed?

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The following is an explanation of the procedure to be followed in order to receive an allowance for risks during pregnancy and an allowance for risks while breastfeeding.

If you are self-employed under the Special Self-Employment System (RETA) and believe you are in a situation of risk during pregnancy or breastfeeding, you must do the following:

1) Request a medical report (for risks during pregnancy and one for risks while breastfeeding) from the Public Health Service (SPS). For risks during pregnancy, a report from a public midwife is also valid (a nurse who specializes in obstetrics-gynecology).

2) You must also complete the statement on the risk involved with your activity as it relates to your pregnancy or breastfeeding status.

Related documentation

– A business statement on the situation of pregnancy risks or risks when breastfeeding

3) You must prove you are current on the payment of all contributions.

4) You must complete the statement on the work situation (you must indicate the person who will manage the company while you are at risk during pregnancy or breastfeeding, or as appropriate, the temporary or definitive cease of activity).

Related documentation

– Activity status statement form

5) Complete the official standardized application.

Related documentation

– Application for the allowance for risks during pregnancy or while breastfeeding

6) The mutual insurance company medical services will certify that the conditions of the work done have a negative impact on the worker’s and/or the fetus’s health.

The right to the allowance begins on the day following the one on which the mutual insurance company’s medical services issue the medical certificate. The economic effects shall be valid as of the date of the actual cease of the corresponding professional activity.

Última actualización 26 June 2019

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