What are the complementary preventive actions to get an additional 5% in the Bonus?

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The complementary preventive actions that give the right to an additional 5% of the amount of the fees for professional risks depend on the type of business in question, as stated in the Bonus regulations:


  • Inclusion or expansion of the in-house preventive resources team.
  • Conducting of voluntary external audits of the company’s preventive system.
  • Existence and application of road mobility plans.
  • Choice of work equipment or personal protective equipment to improve health and safety conditions.

Small businesses

  • The entrepreneur taking on preventive action or inclusion of in-house preventive resources in the team.
  • Choice of work equipment or personal protective equipment to improve health and safety conditions.
  • Real and effective training in prevention for the entrepreneur or designated worker.
Última actualización 25 June 2019

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