What do I have to do in order to log into the Delta System?

  • Perfil

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As a company or labour consultancy firm, you must request a class 2CA certificate from the Spanish Royal Mint for a private individual or legal entity.

To obtain this, you will have access to the website of the national coin and Timbre factory:  www.cert.fnmt.es

These are the steps:

  • Request a certificate via the option “Obtenga el certificado de usuario” (Get a user’s certificate).
  • Prove your identity: you must show the printed application along with your national identity document at the closest Spanish Tax Agency office so they may verify your data and register you.
  • 48 hours later, go to the section “Descargar el certificado” (Download the certificate) at the website www.cert.fnmt.es.
  • To log into the Delta System at www.delta.mtes.gob.es you must register via the option “Nuevo usuario” (New user).
Última actualización 27 July 2023

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